7 months tommorow and Mum BROKEN

7 months tommorow my Dad left us. Unexpected, sudden, I watched the paramedics try. I miss my lovely young at heart Dad. I have continued to support my BROKEN Mum, married 55 years, her only love. It was valentines day, and they were preparing for a meal together, some wine and music, still so in love. I have run out of ideas to comfort my Mum…, I love her so much but just don’t know what I can do to help her. We both see CRUSE, Mum has one to one counselling. I took her out today, I see her most days. We talk, I listen. I would do anything to make her pain better… I miss my Dad so much…

Keeks, its so so difficult. Believe me, i know. Ur trying to make sure ur mums ok, as well as dealing with ur own grief. Im so sorry and being in ur postion is so difficult, but u will come through. Promise.

Dear Theresa
Thank you for taking time to reply. I’m desperate. You sound like you too have experienced this situation… Wishing for that glimmer… Take care xx

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Hi Keeks. my dad passed away suddenly in May and I totally understand how difficult it is ti cope with your own grief and your mums. my parents were also married for 55 years and my mum doesn’t want to be here without him which is upsetting to hear her talk about

Dear Theresa
I’m so sorry to hear about your Dad x Its like my world has shattered into a million pieces. I have 2 children and keeping everything together is so hard. My Mum like yours is like a wilted flower, I just want the rain to come and revive her… Its just pulling me so down… It would be good to keep in touch xx Thankyou for your support… K x

Ur right, i watch my dad every day while he misses my mum. They were married 42 years. The fact that u have to be strong for the other parent helps, i think.

i lost my husband in July we were married for 45 years, I’m so broken inside but I put on this very brave face when I’m with my grown up kids, when there gone I’m in floods of tears again, I really don’t know what’s best hiding it from your kids or not?
Take care