Last night in the early hours i was asleep but then felt what felt like someones hand gentle touching the top of my leg through the quilt ( like when someone rests their hand on you ) it only lasted a second but when i looked up i saw what looked like a glow in front of me. Again it only lasted a second and then it was gone.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this ?
Hello @Lost19,
Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m just giving your thread a gentle, “bump” for you - hopefully someone will have some thoughts to share.
Take good care,
When my husband died in november, 2 days after when in bed and drifting off, i felt a pressure on my hand that was resting on his pillow, ive never mentioned as dont want people thinking ive lost the plot but, it gave me comfort.
I did go mad, insane, for a few minutes after the loss of my dad. I also felt a black cold as I lay where my dad did on his side of the bed, soon after his passing. the air there was ice cold. after my mother died, I smelled flowers and perfume, in rooms otherwise empty. so some things.
It was just the weirdest feeling.
I haven’t even told my husband
It didn’t scare me at all it was a nice feeling x
I lost my Dad nearly 2 years ago and a clairvoyant told me he stands on the middle stair of our stairway which i can see from my bed.
I just put up my story - its called “Losing Mum and a Higher Power”. I didn’t want to cut and paste it here. Thats not nice.
For me its affirmation that theres more going on than we understand. We might be able to rationally explain it or understand it but there’s someone or thing out there doing stuff for our loved ones. Hmmm.