Could a recent bearevent raise anxiety

Could a recent bareavenent raise anxiety symptoms in me … after 5 years of loosing my mum. My body is so painful aching and painful shooting pains. Feeling low - like I need a good cry …

Hi Sarah7,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re feeling so low and anxious at the moment. This time of year is often difficult. A bereavement can certainly lead to symptoms of anxiety, including physical symptoms of aches and pains. There’s a useful article on a website called What’s Your Grief that talks about why we can sometimes feel anxious when grieving: Perhaps there’s something in this article that resonates with you.

Take care of yourself and, if you need a good cry, go ahead and have one.

With warm wishes,

Hi Sarah, I’m the same, after 1 year of losing my mum, the aches and pains started the day I returned from her funeral after never having anything like that before. In fact I cared for mum and lifted her, pushed her in the wheel chair with no problems. I believe its tension but of course its hard to relax, a vicious circle, no doubt. When you need a good cry you should just do it, it helps sometimes.

Hi Sarah,

I believe grief manifests in a number of ways and yes, I think anxiety is 100% one.
It can be quite consuming, grief is exhausting.For me it’s anxiety, PTSD, panic attacks, nightmares or dreams, physically feeling unwell, loss of appetite none of which I had before apart from low level stress when I was busy at work, rushing around etc but that made sense. Now, it’s making sense of the emotions and circumstance, the loss and void, triggers etc.

I agree with Alicia, a good cry helps to release…rest/sleep and I know it’s tough.
Be kind to yourself and keep on posting here, lot’s of great support and help. We can most likely relate. Know if it gets to much to see a Dr or even therapy, if you feel the need. Sometimes it helps to allow things to surface and process in time.

Take care
