Grief is my companion

Grief is my companion
It takes me by the hand
And walks along beside me
in a dark and barren land.

How long will this lonesome journey last?
How much more can my weary heart bear?
Since your death I’ve been lost in the fog
Too burdened with sorrow and care.

People tell me my sadness will fade
And my tears will reach their end
Grief and I must complete our journey
And then maybe I’ll find happiness again.


Hi sad2,
It’s strange how we see grief from the outside, I have known many people who have gone through it but to be honest I really had no idea how hard it is.
It totally takes over every second of every day and it’s very difficult to see any future when you lose the other half of yourself.
I’m thankful to be able to talk about my thoughts on here with people who really understand, it’s such a lonley existence.
I hope you will find happiness again one day.

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Hi Muldool
Yes, it is hard losing a loved one, even more so your partner.
I lost both my mum and sister, but the pain was nowhere near as bad as when I lost Alan.
It will be 56 weeks tomorrow that Covid took him from me, and not a day has gone by that I haven’t cried. I miss him so much.
Yes, I couldn’t agree with you more - it is a very lonely existence.
Take care and sending you a virtual hug xx