Grieving for my mum

My mum passed away on the 20th of April and her funeral was on the 28th April ive lived with my mum all of my life im 55 year old and I don’t know how to cope

Lesley. So very sorry to hear of your recent situation is a reversal of yours my darling daughter sharryn past on in October last.we lived together all her life.she was fortysix years old.she was my everything my l know what agonising purgatory you must be going through.its very hard to get through these harrowing days and nights without them. A heart wrenching void with out them.I send you a big hug and to not forget we all on here are going through hell.nonetheless I hope being on here and reading one another’s story’s may gig you some slight solace

Lesley - I am so sorry to hear that you lost your mum. I too lost my mum. She died on the 5th March this year. Since then I seem to be numb with shock. The loss is almost indescribable and I can’t bear to think about a future without her. I cared for her in the last few months after she was diagnosed with cancer and it broke my heart to see her decline.
If it is any very small help - the only thing that is helping me is going outside and getting fresh air and trying to spend time with other people. It doesn’t take the pain away - just makes it a little more bearable for a while.
This site is great - because you realise that there are people out there who are willing to listen and to care. Stay strong.

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