Happy stories of Valentines with our loved ones

The best story I have to share is, one year Marcial called me at work and said to hurry home after work because he had a surprise for me. I rushed home and went into our bedroom and there he was fast asleep on the bed where he had scattered flowers, it was wonderful and I never had so many flowers, it makes me smile today, he was always very romantic, bless him.


This is such a lovely story, thank you for sharing @Margarita1. Flowers are beautiful and it’s such a nice gesture for Marcial to surprise you with so many.

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My husband and I have been together 36 years but didn’t marry until 2005 he asked me every Valentines but there was always something to spend money on a house having children etc. One Valentine’s Day I asked him the biggest smile appeared the next day we started planning the wedding. I will never forget how happy he was
Love to you all x