
Hi, this is my first Christmas without my husband who passed away the end of September this year, finding it very strange without him.

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It is strange, isn’t it? Difficult, too. This is my first Christmas without my wife, who died in February, and I must say I was dreading it. For the first time ever, she’d bought me a couple of presents in the January sales, which I put aside and opened this morning. Her usual thoughtful sort of thing - which made me smile as well as cry.
Do you have family you can be with? I hope you can find something good in the day.

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It is so strange, we did everything together, I do have our Labrador who also is missing him, I am going out to see my sister and the family this afternoon, sending my best to you also


That’s good. I hope they’re kind to you.


It is very strange and difficult today, my husband passed away suddenly almost 6 weeks ago.
He would usually cook the dinner as that was his thing to do at christmas. I am trying to do it but it will never be like his
Sending love and hugs xx


I know what you mean, my husband used to love doing the cooking, he was diagnosed with MND December 2022 and could not do it after that, he passed 3 months ago, sending love to you x

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Thinking of you All. My beloved husband used to do the cooking too, and it was always delicious. I only ever made the stuffing balls and demanded hot plates and a ship full of gravy. He always delivered. I always insisted we pull a cracker before we tucked in. The aching of today and every other day since five weeks ago is beyond compare.


I agree, the hole that I feel is so big, it’s been 12 weeks for me seems like yesterday

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So sorry for your loss.
sending hugs :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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My lovely partner D passed away on 3rd November, far too young at just 60. Bloody cancer!
I came away to be near my late partner’s niece ( D had promised her that we’d spend Christmas with her - they were such close friends) and we walked her dogs yesterday morning before she went off to spend the day with friends. Through choice I had a couple of solo pints at a pub near the site I am staying at, then I had the rest of the day in the motorhome.
For some reason I actually feel lower today, 26th, than I did yesterday (albeit I spent a lot of yesterday just quieting sobbing - nothing dramatic that anyone in the pub really noticed).
The next question is what to do for New Year. I just don’t fancy going home yet, and really have no need to.


So sorry Richard my husband died unexpectedly 10 days ago it would have been his birthday in 3 days time seems to have stood still every day seems twice has long im taking it one minute at a time the dogs keep me company but it is so lonely without him it is the little things that leave the biggest holes stay strong and take care


That’s so kind of you, given the circumstances you find yourself in.
This is an awful period for you: disregarding the Christmas thing completely, I know how I was for the first few weeks. It was cruel that our dog went 6 weeks before my D, so I’m really glad you have yours.
Stay strong: my best wishes to you

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So sorry to hear that, my husband had MND he was only 62, we had to stop caravanning as he could no longer cope with filling and emptying the waste, we bought a static caravan for his last year, will be going there next year without him which will be strange it’s also where I had to call an ambulance for him on his last visit, we have friends we have made there and I will have the dog who is also missing him.

So sorry. That’s going to be really tough, but I how that with the support of your friends it will be manageable.
It’s just bloody awful, isn’t it!

I have 3 dogs the oldest is a little confused now and failing eyesight age related the other 2 only have to hear a noise near door and they sit waiting for him after a while the crying starts its hard for them to understand when he doesnt show its so hard and nothing anyone can do to change it

Strange is an accurate word for me. I keep hoping it will get easier. . . so far it isnt easier but i am still hopeful.

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I am not finding it easier yet at all, is it early days as people keep telling me? At least people understand on this community