Help please

So it’s been a while since I posted, I’m hoping for… I dont know what… as you know my dad lost his life to cancer just before the first lockdown and then during the summer my mum was diagnosed with lung cancer (left over from breast cancer that we thought had gone) since last summer weve had to deal with it moving to her lungs liver and spine. Weve recently found out it has spread to her brain. Shes starts radiotherapy soon to delay the spread. Jason anyone dealt with this? I need to know the limits/times/side effects, I know everyone is different but I prepare myself so any insight would be very much appreciated x

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Hi Rocky, such a horrible time you and your family is having. As you say each person is different but the consultant dealing with your mum should be able to tell you exactly what to expect. You are right about being prepared because the coming months are not going to be easy. From personal experience I did look on the internet and wished I hadn’t because some is rubbish and it’s extremely difficult to know which to believe so please ask the medical people involved, they will be happy to answer your questions. Make a list of the important things on your mind before you meet them and they will appreciate that you will not waists their time.
Take take and do hope things work out for all of you. S xxx