How can we learn about death &dying

Lost so many, each loss uniquely shaped my life. Wish people would learn about death and dying early so that they know what needs to be known so that we can just focus on learning about the feelings when we are in it

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I agree. I meant about the practical aspects of things. What dying looks like, when we know someone is near end of life, what to do when they have died… who to call, what paperwork to get. Do you have to wash the body, change their clothes there and then, how long can you keep the body at home? Do I need to go with a funeral director or can I do a funeral myself? Dealing with those things. I didn’t know for example that in Germany you’re not allowed to touch the body once it’s with the funeral directors ie you’re not allowed to hold the urn or take the ashes somewhere or have them at home. It overshadowed my grieving experience as I had to keep it at bay so that I could sort all that stuff out.