Insomnia and red wine

This is torture.
Night after night I drown myself in red wine in the hope that sleep will find me.
It doesn’t and hasn’t since Mum passed 3 weeks ago.
It’s so easy to put on an external facade and say ‘I’m ok’ Internally I’m dead too. If only sleep would find me, it may give me a short escape from this pain.

My mum passed a week before xmas and i wish for sleep all the time as its my only respite so i feel for you too. Wakening is the worst time. I asksd dr for sleeping pills but wont give me them as worried about taking too many. Sending hugsx

Have you tried Nytol or Lloyds chemist have similar ? Over the counter about £4 , they’ve helped a friend of mine.

No havent tried those thanks. Will give a go hugsx

They haven’t worked for me.