Last night

Hi everyone. Have been reading your posts and thinking about how we are all different but with much in common. I would like to share something that happened last night. My husband has been gone nearly five years ago and like some others have said it seems the pain gets worse. I have had a number of events where I think it is him telling me he is still there but I have not allowed myself to believe it. This week there has been a beautiful bird of prey sitting on my roof several times a day We both loved these birds. Yesterday was a bad day as I kept crying and worrying as I have lost my job and am worried as well as thinking about him and about all the times we had . I went to bed early and watched the tv with my dog when I suddenly smelled cigar smoke. I thought that although there is no one living near me who smokes that it was either my imagination of some smoke drifting in. I even got up and leaned out of the Windows but nothing outsid. Yet when I got back to bed there it was again. I’m not saying it was him and I am not saying that I am ready to believe he is trying to comfort me but all I can say is that for a little while I had a warm feeling in my heart instead of the pain. Maybe I am going a bit loopy but so be it. Reading your posts today I know that there is great pain that comes from great love. Take care all


hi Bell.
When we lose some one we loved so much and had so many happy times with them ,and who was in essence our whole world and our reason for getting up each day,We really do hope that there is more to our existence ,Id be feeling warm inside myheart to have things happen which i could believe was Jayne showing me she is close by.If this helps us to carry on living,its got to be a massive plus.
heres hoping you continue to get these events happen and it gives you that warm feeling in your heart.Thank you for sharing with us ,And heres hoping you keep finding the inner strength to carry on with your life.

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Hi. Bell. This is by no means unusual. We should never dismiss it as ‘just a happening’, it’s far more than that. As I understand it, (and I am not a Spiritualist or a medium but have a lot of experience in these matters), it’s difficult for a lost one one to get through without some sign of recognition from us. Perfume is one of the most experienced phenomena. So many smell perfume that was used by their loved ones. Even aftershave. Why? I have no idea, but the number of times I have heard about that is considerable. As I have been able to understand over the years, communication between them and us is difficult. It seems we set up barriers of disbelief because we are so brainwashed into believing that this world is all that exists.
Now opinions on this can vary a lot, from total belief to downright scepticism. I prefer to keep an open mind. It’s just good that it brings some comfort, but the possibility that a message is there is very obvious, at least to me it is. We, with our very limited capacity to see beyond this life, get so caught up with worldly ideas, that when it comes to anything outside our realm of knowledge we tend to dismiss it as ‘all in the mind’. Of course it is, where else could it be? Our unconscious minds are of great depth and we tend to regard our conscious minds as the only mind available. Could it be that communication is possible in that deep mind? Real mediums may tap into that deep place and it’s a rare gift if they do.
Take care, and don’t go looking for phenomena, it will happen when it happens and we have no control over it.
Blessings. Take care. John.


John thank you for your words . I hope I can become more open to these thoughts of loved ones being near it certainly made me feel better last nights. I do so appreciate your comments not just to me but to others as well. You have a lot of understanding.xx

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Thank You Jianye. I do hope this happens for you. I don’t know if you need to be in a certain frame of mind but I can only say that the things that have happened for me do not seem t o have any place or particular formula. I don’t understand but I hope it continues. Bless you xx

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I think it gives us hope and a reason to carry on. As you say you both smelled this at the same time. Thanks for sharing. It’s good to know that others feel comforted xx

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Hi Bell
I would say that you are no way loopy and I would believe if it was me.
I have never given this sort of thing a thought and then I lost my husband and during the first year I had numerous visitations. If I was worried about something he came to me and put my mind at rest, he even showed me where things were. The list was endless and I won’t bore you with them all. Like you I thought I was going mad, then I started to find comfort by these happenings. But one things that stands out was the night of my birthday and I woke up in the middle of the night. I seemed to float and there was Brian with his arms around me, telling me he loved me. He was talking but I couldn’t make out what he was saying. I know that I was overcome with happiness. and like you I had that warm feeling and felt at peace for the rest of the day. I have also smelt tea and he loved his cuppa and I don’t drink it or have any in the house.

Pattidot what a lovely thing to happen and how lucky are to have experienced that. I was hoping my husband might somehow make his presence known yesterday, our wedding anniversary , or two weeks ago, his birthday. I’ve never dreamt about him, but would love to. But strange things have happened seemingly randomly. A couple of days ago I was a bit manic and hoovering. I
took the cushions off the sofa to hoover down the cracks and there on the base was a sparkly small letter M. His name’s Malcolm! Don’t know where it came from so am clinging to the hope that somehow he sent it, impossible as it seems. Also my always flat smooth duvet was rumpled all over the place on the morning he had died, woke up with it like that and feeling unbelievably sad , then got the phone call. Hope he’d been to me to say goodbye. Love to all, keep hoping and believing x Love your wise words Jon, can you elucidate?! x

Yes, keep looking for those signs. I certainly do. You can wait and hope with nothing, and then suddenly something appears that means something to you. I found a love poem that my husband had obviously written on the pillow of our bed. It wasn’t there when I went to bed but it was clearly in place the next morning. The other day I was sitting on a log in the woods and I fell off. I was laughing and the dogs were watching me, obviously thought Mum had gone mad but as I got up a white feather was by the side of my hand. I could imagine Brian laughing at me and calling me a silly old fool.
It’s said that they stop visiting you when your ready or possibly when they need to move on and although I don’t have the contact I once did, these little telltale signs prove to me that he is still around. I always thank him for still caring.
Love to all

Oh lovely, I laughed at you falling off that log and laughing and then to find a feather, amazing! Maybe I should start falling off logs! But that wouldn’t have the same effect as Malcolm was much nicer than me and the rest of our family.We unfortunately all have the same banana skin sense of humour, as my mother witheringly described it! He wouldn’t have laughed, always worried someone could be hurt. Maybe he’d send me a feather in sympathy! :joy:lovely to think that they are near us stillxx

I have had white feathers and a Robin but my most significant experience was interrupted phone calls with my best friend. One day we got cut off 5 times. The 3 of us were really close friends. It was like Frankie was feeling left out and decided to butt in. That was so like him. I remember one night he had work the next day and went to bed. Me and my son were having drinks and listening to Spotify. Frankie sabotaged our music from his phone and kept playing awful songs. This memory has made me laugh.

Blue, your Frankie sounds very comical! It’s lovely to have a memory that makes you laugh, Malcolm’s done various things that made us laugh, not necessarily on purpose always! Remembering them with family and friends brings a bit of temporary happiness and makes him feel less absent somehow .xx

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I agree bjane. I can talk freely about Frankie with my friends because they were his friends too. The hardest thing for me is the house being quiet. We were always doing daft things and laughing. We did funny videos for our friends during lockdown. I’m not ready to watch them yet even though I miss his voice.

Yes. it’s just their presence in the house that we miss isn’t it? Wherever they were or whatever they were doing, the house felt right because they were in it and now there’s just this empty feeling, a house not a home. Do you have any pets, they can make it feel a bit more homely. Am getting a rescue cat in a few days and looking forward to the company. Try and keep smiling! xx

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Thinking about getting a rescue dog at some point. The only thing stopping me is leaving it at home when I go back to work. Something to think about if I can make it work

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Hope you can arrange something. My cat’s being delivered on the 11th and I’m feeling almost excited , first time in 3 months I’ve felt there’s something to look forward to. Try to give it a go if you can! x

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