Losing my husband

We found out my husband had inoperable cancer on 5th November 24 and he died on 4th December 24.
I feel so sad. I can’t believe I will never see his beautiful smile again nor hear his voice.
I’m not lonely as I have fabulous support from family, friends and neighbours but I feel alone. I don’t have words for how devastated I am - I’m shocked at how quickly this has happened; angry that I’ve hadn’t spotted any symptoms; broken hearted that I have lost the love of my life; frightened about spending the rest of my life alone.
People tell me things will get better but I can’t see that this will happen.


For me the fear of how I can ever cope alone, continue to exist without Luie is the worst.
Obviously we all can, so many have already done that although they say after many years they still mourn their loss.

Reading messages on this site helps, knowing we are all suffering the same helps. Trying to believe that time will make differences is hard but we have to believe.
I truly understand your pain, I’m living it now.

I hope you find some peace and comfort on this forum xxx


Just wanted to say sorry for your loss, i too lost my beloved husband to cancer, he was 50, people tell me im strong and can go on without him, i know that I can, i just don’t want to