Losing my soul mate

Hi I lost my partner over a year ago to covid. One minute he was there the next gone and despite trying was unable to save him. The bext few months were a blur I just basically went through the process of living but not feeling like I was there. Recently the feeling of loss is unbearable and the void in my life without him is soul destroying. I wonder if anyone else feels like this and what they do to help them get through x


I’ve been ranting tonight on this site
Just seen your post
How horrendous to lose your loved one from Covid with no warning

It is tough but people on the site will help, listen and encourage you to somehow keep going
When you fall they will be there and help you carry on with your different life.

Thinking about you

Life is so cruel at times I think your depth of distress reflects the depth of your love maybe you can challenge yourself and say would I want him to suffer like this if it was the other way round I’m sure he didn’t want you to suffer maybe set a little and achievable goal each day like getting healthy going for a walk and building up to more joining a gym wearing makeup joining a theatre or music group and say to grief I’m fighting for something better and understand that you will have awful days but you are striving for better thinking of you xxxx

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Hi Pauline 51 I know exactly how you feel, I lost my husband to covid on good Friday last year, my world fell apart and I am struggling to live life without him. My heart is not in anything I do including work.
I’m living a hermits life at the moment as I don’t want to go anywhere on my own. I feel so lost and with every month that passes I feel worse instead of better


Hi Pauline I am in the same position as I lost my partner suddenly in January this year. I feel I have no joy inside and there is definitely a void. I keep busy with my grandchildren which I love them to bits but driving home to an empty house is awful. I too like you are struggling especially when everyone else is busy n your sat at home alone thinking shall I go for a walk etc but it’s not the same. It’s very hard to get motivated but we have to keep going as I am sure they would not want us to miss out on life. I am trying to say to myself it’s another day that you have the chance to live. Keep getting up as people say it gets better😳 just going to take a long time. X

I don’t think time solves this , the love we have for a lost soulmate grows stronger in death in my opinion then we yearn for them back which can’t happen.

It’s soul destroying and difficult to get out of this life none of us wanted .

I’m trying to find a way , 10 weeks in so still very raw but I’ve little hope for the future now , I need to accept she’s never coming back, my old life is finished so I must forge a long lonely life for myself and learn to cope with it .

She knew I’d be devastated, she knew she was totally adored by me, she knew I’d need my friends, she just knew me now she not here when I need a hug and it’s devastating me.

I’ve no answer to right this , cope that’s all I can do.


Hello Glenn

I’ve recently lost my husband after an accident and it’s so difficult. My only consolation is that he didn’t suffer, so I can’t imagine what it’s like for you having to watch your wife die from cancer at such a young age. I think the only thing we can do is carry on with the help of family and good friends as our loved ones would have wanted us to. I’ve no advice for you, we can only hope that in time we find some peace and meaning to our lives. Take care and be kind to yourself, I’m here if you need to message at any time.


Hi Pauline51
Yesterday was the 2nd anniversary of losing my beloved hubby. The pain is worse than ever, if that’s possible. He died from pancreatic cancer after his diagnosis 3 days previously. He had no real symptoms of being ill till then when he became jaundiced and it was too late. Covid restrictions didn’t help, I was kept away from him in hospital until the last few hours when he was unable to speak to me. I feel so lost, alone and broken. I don’t know how to keep carrying on, I don’t really live, I just exist.[quote="Pauline51, post:1, topic:54051, fu
Hi I lost my partner over a year ago to covid. One minute he was there the next gone and despite trying was unable to save him. The bext few months were a blur I just basically went through the process of living but not feeling like I was there. Recently the feeling of loss is unbearable and the void in my life without him is soul destroying. I wonder if anyone else feels like this and what they do to help them get through x


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