I lost both my parents last December, a couple of days after my birthday. They died within 13 hours of each other.
I’m numb, keep having panic attacks and generally cannot see a way to move forward
I lost both my parents last December, a couple of days after my birthday. They died within 13 hours of each other.
I’m numb, keep having panic attacks and generally cannot see a way to move forward
Hi there, I feel for you i lost my parents 9 days apart in December.They had a joint funeral last week.Its really hard to fathom loosing both of them.I have panic attacks and have become quite withdrawn.I know time is a healer but time seams to slow down at the moment.Take cate
I’m so sorry. Sending you very best wishes. That must be such a shock to lose both of them.
Sending you hugs… Lost my mum 7 days ago and I have gone through a lot of feelings - sadness, anger, heartbreak, numb, confusion…
I don’t think anyone can heal from this. My mum was so good, so pure. Her love was so pure, she had 5 of us, but many people called her mother.
We will be fine…
Hello so sorry to hear about the loss of both parents so close together. I can’t imagine how traumatic that must have been for you. Is so difficult navigating life without them. We lost Mum just over 2 years ago and Dad followed her almost two years later. I’m up and down. Had a month off work for Mum but back 2 weeks later for Dad. I felt I had to return as being at home allowed me too much time to think about everything and replay events. I have a heightened awareness of the fragility of life now and don’t want to waste a minute but also prone to catastrophising everything. Does anybody else feel this way? I won’t say time heals, because it really doesn’t, but I have found it easier to live with the losses. Still have my moments and I think I always will… I hope you find some peace soon. Xx
Yes! I definitely feel like this. Lost mum last year and dad 40 years ago. Have other family worries. I swing between feeling nothing matters or something terrible will happen, to wanting to go out and do everything. Sometimes feel my brain doesnt work properly!