Loss of my wife.

Hi everyone, I my wife passed away before Christmas, after a Cardiac arrest at home. I had yo give her CPR until the Paramedics arrived. Thy managed to start her heartand she was on a ventilator for 5 days. But a brain scan revealed she had suffered Brain Damage. There was nothing that could be done for her. I stayed with her in Hospital until she passed. We had been together for 15 years and married nearly 8 years. I guess people will say that it isn’t long, but we loved each other so much and spent so much time together. She was my Soulmate. Cant live without her, and dont want to. Trying to keep myself busy, but feel what is the point. I know that she would want me to carry on.

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Hi Chris, Sorry you are here, none of us want to be.
Whether you were together 5 days or 50 years, makes not one jot of difference for the love you had for each other.

My husband died on 8 th October, he was only 56 so nearly months into this shit show for me. 25 yrs married for us, just 2 weeks after he took his own life.

It is incredibly tough for you at the moment and I hope you find some kind of comfort in one form or another here.
It is raw for you now and you are smack bang in the middle of this maelstrom of crap.

My strategy was/is just to ‘roll with it’ whichever emotion decides to knock on your door, accept it, and let it in. Don’t fight it, as I guarantee the emotion will win, every time. I am having ok days now. You will too. In time.

I won’t lie, it’s a bloody bumpy road, but one day in the future, whenever that may be, the rawness will lose its edge, and the grief will become a part of you that you will ‘learn’ to live with in the future.

Take care of yourself

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Hi Helen, thankyou for your kind words, they are much appreciated. I cant imagine how you are feeling losing your husband in that way. You are right it will take time for me to accept and learn to live without ny wife. I hope you look after yourself and the future becomes brighter for you. Take care Chris.

@Speedway150762 I’m so sorry for your loss, you obviously loved each other very much. I lost my husband 5 weeks ago at aged 56, still navigating my way so not sure I can advise too much. Just know you’re not alone, this forum is great and whenever you need to just post and someone will answer, it’s just good to talk sometimes and we all understand what you’re going through, take care

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