

When I lost you, I lost myself too, I feel lost and alone and I don’t know what to do
It’s a never ending nightmare of pain that feels like nails are being driven into my heart
and then pulled out again
Night and day the prevailing thought in my head is that you’re dead
I know I will never get over it, but somehow I have to get through it
I take small steps through the darkness guided by my grieving heart
Time and distance have disappeared as I’ve been torn apart
The grief road is so long as it stretches lifelong, so it’s hard to carry on and to be strong
I know I’ll be lost until I find you, so I look for you everywhere
I know you’re there I just can’t see you
Sometimes I stop and stare because I think I’ve seen you
But it’s just someone who looks like you
I look at your photos willing your eyes to give me a clue
It’s so hard to accept that I’ve lost you
I would walk endless miles through wind and rain and back again
I would climb mountains, walk through deserts and sail on stormy seas
I would walk until I fell to my knees
For every mile I would shed a tear and for every year I would endure the pain
If only I could find you again.


Lovely, many thanks xx

@sad2 that’s beautiful sad thanks for sharing I feel every word you said and I feel your pain it’s so hard just getting through each day longing for them but then I think of all the years and love we shared and I feel blessed to have had her in my life I just can’t wait to be with her again stay strong sending you hugs stay safe and take care xxx