Miss my old life

Some 1 asked me @ a bereavement group do u get lonely, i said lonely, no i dont.
Then i realised i did get very lonely but only for my husband Oliver. I miss him everyday. :cry:


Well we all miss our husbands … but i guess its how you go forward and best way for your isnt it !! We gotta try and live again one way or another because we’re still here … unfortunately- but we are !


Nick worked for the land registry for 33 years.
His friends organised a party for us. I rushed to get a dress.
Nick looked at me and cried, said we should have done it years ago.
Life is cruel… i only got 3 months married x

i got this picture made because the background was our hall, the picture looks like its fading away… how sad :pensive:


Best 2 try & have a laugh when we can.


What an absolutely stunning picture. @ least u met the love of yr life.


Beautiful picture

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About what ? Whats there to laugh about :frowning: i got nothing to laugh about im afraid … :frowning: everything in my life is a total waste of time :frowning: apart from my lovely 16 month old cockapoo … bless her ! Faithful as ever !! X

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Remember there r people worse off than us. Don’t let grief make u bitter. Yr husband wouldn’t want that for u.
Take care

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Are they ? Mmm i dont know any ? C u later x

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What a lovely romantic picture, I was with my David for just over 20 years and have been engaged for 17 years, I wish we had got married, it was always something for the future but the future has gone :(.

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Yes, Nick didn’t really believe in marriage because of his parents.
But, we booked to go to vegas 2020… i laughed and said i was going to get him into the little white Chapel $50 … he laughed. Bloody covid happened and the trip was cancelled.
2022 Nick got shingles in his face and sepsis. He was in hospital for 2 weeks.
He came home and we got on with life.
It passes you by and theres never a right time.
Nick asked me the beginning of December 2023…maybe it was meant to be then?? He got poorly but we had already registered interest with the town hall. Nick came out of hospital 6th January 2024 and we got married 15th January 2024… in our home… with a special licence. It was beautiful, we all cried. The vows meant so much :cry: x


Cherish that you managed to get married, even though it was not for very long, you did it and that is wonderful. :slight_smile:


I know what you mean I just feel like i am just exsisting not living right now.


aww we have so many things the same wish we didn’t share the " my husband Nick died in April" I still cry when I have to say those words x


Do you know that’s what i said about my Nick, he would always bring me in a cup of tea early in the morning , and say “made with love” then he threw his tea up? He had a heart attack previously 21 years ago, age 44, they said at a young age it could of been hereditary, but as he was adopted, we never knew? He was on the medication had check ups and got on with life. Then that Saturday morning he said he had pains across his back? he said it wasn’t like when he had the heart attack previously so he wasn’t scared , but then he passed out and the rest followed, traumatic for me seeing him take a heart attack on the living room floor, and even worse the 2 days in icu, but I know he passed out before any of this he knew nothing, but I know everything, its such a shock when it happens suddenly you have no warning , and yes we told each other every day "I love you " x


That what i call life now an existence. After my husband died.


So sad :disappointed: i really feel for you :cry:

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@Jane15 Nicks birthday end of March, my birthday and our anniversary beginning of April. It was always our favourite time of the year and hes died.
We used to go away every year at this time.
January, we got married.
Theres never a good time to pass away but this really is the worst.
Xmas feels like its ruined because he became ill. Ive already told my son to go to his dads this xmas.
But, April is definitely ruined. :cry: x

My Nick died at 12.20am, and I remember saying in a panic " what date is it"? and the Nurse said 15th April and i said “No”! that is Hillsborough and we knew people involved in that tragedy and now those 97 have become 98 to me! Christmas, I just can’t think about, Nick loved it, tree in every room etc , the thought of Christmas and its also my birthday 5 days after Christmas day, and he was the only one who really got it that "I don’t want my birthday presents wrapped in Chrimbo paper it pisses me off "! So he would always make sure I had birthday paper x


So sad but we cant help feeling :disappointed: