Missing my Ian

I lost my partner of 15 years at the end of June unexpectedly. At first I found comfort in looking at photos and talking about him but now I just cry. I want to remember the happy time we had together but I just miss him so much and cry every time I speak of him or see photos of him. I found no comfort being with anyone as I just want my partner as he is the only person I have ever opened up to. I just miss him so much.

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Hello Safaia, I am so sorry for the loss of your partner. I and others on this site know exactly how you feel and it’s very difficult coming to terms with these feelings, if indeed we ever do. It’s very early days for you in this journey of grief and the days ahead will be hard but in time you will cope with your new circumstances. Life has changed and you will learn to change with it. In the meantime just do what most of us do… take one day at a time.
I hope you might find some small comfort from visiting this site. You could also read and post on “Losing a partner” which may attract more replies from others who understand your loss.
Take care. AL x


Hello. I just wanted to say that how you feel is EXACTLY How I feel, and I am sure I am not the only one. I lost my husband of 54 years married at the end of June too and I am doing what others suggest - taking it slowly just one step at a time. That’s all we can do. I would love to find a magic potion to take the pain away, but most of all, I want him back.
Stay strong. We owe it to our loved ones who would hate us to be so unhappy Hugs, Ann


Hi. Safaia1966. Welcome to the SR site. As AL says, it’s so very difficult to come to terms with loss. And it’s right that maybe we never do, but I have found the pain does ease. It is indeed a ‘journey’, and one that has roads full of potholes and big humps, but we can and do negotiate the hazards with help, and it’s why it’s so good you are here. People who have never had this pain can never fully understand and can give sympathy but have no real experience. We all do here. Yes indeed, a day at a time, or even an hour at a time. It’s far too soon to be looking ahead. Given time you maybe can, but not yet.
Come back to us when you feel the need, which may be often.
Take care of yourself and try and be kind to yourself.
Kind regards and Blessings. John.

So sorry for your loss i lost my partner on the 29th june we had been together 15 years he was 42
Its so hard i feel for you just take one day at a time that is what i am doing x