My lovely mum

Hi everyone
I lost my mum 9 months ago after a short 8 month illness. It’s her birthday tomorrow and my mind is consumed by ‘this time last year thoughts’ I can’t concentrate, feel so sad and lost and desperately want to talk to her again. How can I move forward without my lovely mum.


@Nickyg I just wanted to reach out and say try and remember all the good times ans memories you had with her.

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Hi, firstly i want to send you some soft, and gentle hugs. I feel the pain, and heartbreak you are going through. I lost my own mum less than a week ago, and it will be her birthday as well very soon. Life just sometimes does not make sense, the world feels all topsy turvy. Do things dat to day that feel right for you, and if they dont then leave them. Be kind too yourself, shout, laugh cry scream. Again do, and feel what ever emotion it is you need too.
Also keep talking on here as well. Talking does help process our overwhelming feelings of grief. X


Hi @Nickyg
Like @Bingo i lost my mum very recently, only on monday and very suddenly too
Her birthday was the week before. We have had colds, covid etc so had been keeping a distance, so i missed her last birthday and it haunts me
I agree, cry, shout scream and be kind to yourself. If you cant concentrate, confide in someone, and just be honest about it. And keep talking.
Huge hugs, there will be better days and well embrace them for their sake xxxxxx

I’m so sorry you have also lost your mum.
It feels very unreal doesn’t it.
I hope you have lots of support. Those first few weeks are like a dream to me.
Thank you for your kind reply at such a difficult time for you also. Lots of love.

Thank you. Lots of love.