Rock bottom

Feeling so low at the moment. I feel people just want me for what they can get then don’t want to know. Let me explain. When I was moving house I couldn’t take everything with me so I sold some but I also gave a lot away to my mums next door neighbour for free including a 49 inch TV furniture , all xmas Dec’s infect no end of stuff but because I didn’t give him my fridge because I needed it myself and a 32 inch TV which is all I have he turned on me and doesn’t speak to me now. Then I helped my brother out by getting him my bungalow I was in from housing association and leaving him carpets , curtains, some garden items . Now today he’s got the hump because I didn’t leave the garden hose that cost me nearly £200 it’s top of the range on reel that goes back automatically. I’m so fed up feel like saying just take everything I’m lost everything else. What’s the bloody point of it all I don’t think I’m going to help anyone else . I feel so low tonight just keep cryin and on top of that my mums not to good so I’m worried about her. Sorry for rant but I feel angry and upset with everything.


do not let anyone’s thoughtless behavior make you feel bad. what is done is done. don’t feel worse about it more than you have to.


Dear @Misprint you sound like you’re a very kind and generous person and sadly there are some greedy selfish people out there that take advantage when they should be offering kindness and support to you. Remind yourself that you have gifted these people with more than they deserve and then next time they come knocking tell them to get lost. I hope your mum feels better soon
Jen x


Thanks jen . Mum had call from doc she might have cancer I’m so worried it’s like jim all over again he had cancer I can’t lose her as well don’t know what to do anymore it’s brought it all back losing jim then sister in law dads got prostate cancer he lives away from me it’s one thing after another


cancer rates are soaring around the world.

I am very sorry …

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I am so sorry, I hope this is not the case but I understand that this is an incredibly worrying time for you and your mum. My thoughts are with you as you face the uncertainty of this truly destructive disease

Rant as much as you want, tearing up a cardboard box helps sometimes. We used to do that on the ward in the sluice.

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Thanks for all the replies. Mums got blood tests today and believe it not a phone consultation on 22 how they can treat cancer over phone I don’t know .