My mother died almost 2 and a half months ago. Sometimes it feels like yesterday. Sometimes it feels like a lifetime ago. Time seems to have lost all meaning. I’m really struggling to believe that she’s actually gone. Missing her so much.
I suppose it’s the horrible reality of the situation kicking in. It’s horrid…
Hope you’re ok too, under the horrid circumstances.
I’m the same. My Dad does 6 months ago, my Mum 10 weeks ago.
Time has lost any sense and I waken up at night wondering what’s happening and trying to make sense of it all.
I think you are all being too harsh on yourselves, two and a half months, six months, one year. That isn’t really all that long, I am struggling loosing my dad five years ago, and I think I still will be in another five years.
I lost my partner a month ago, I don’t even think it’s really sunk in that he is gone yet. So don’t beat yourselves up.
Take care everyone, xx
Thanks JohnnyBadger, it really does help to hear others perspective on loss.
I’m sorry about your partner. Take care .
I’m so sorry to read of your losses. I can only imagine how hard it must be. The only thing keeping me going is KNOWING that my mother would want me to.
So sorry to hear of your losses. Must be so hard.
Seaside23, you are right, my parents would want me to keep going, I’ve never thought of it like that.
Thank you for a glimmer of hope. I need to keep going, for my parents, for all they taught me and do all their love.