Take our quick survey on connecting with local members


We’re always looking for ways to improve this community and to ensure it’s as safe and supportive as possible. This is your community so we want to hear more about what you think and how we can best meet your needs.

In our 2021-22 online community survey, 56% of you said that you’d like to meet up with people who live nearby. We’d like to understand a little bit more about this, and would be really grateful if you could answer the following quick questions.

Your opinion matters, whether you joined a day ago or a year ago, or whether you post often, or just prefer to read threads.

If you have any questions or comments, please do drop me a private message, or you can email me at online.community@sueryder.org.

Thanks and take care,

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Hi @Jan28, we’re very glad you’ve found us - I really hope you find the community a good support.

Take care