To all of you without your mums on Mother’s Day

It seems as though there have been a lot of posts in the last week or two from people who’ve lost their mums. I know that you may well find Mother’s Day really tough, so this is just a message to say that I’ll be thinking of you this weekend.

Struggling after the loss of your mum? Post a reply here to talk about your mum and get support from each other.

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I just wrote a post titled ‘Mothering Sunday’ on the other ‘wall’ as I had not seen this.
My beautiful Mummy died in May and I miss her so much. I am very low and tearful at the moment as Mothering Sunday approaches. I am a Mother myself and I will therefore have to try and be brave tomorrow. I have warned my son that I may feel sad and he said he totally understood: he misses his Granny too, as does my daughter.