What to do...

The days are difficult enough in themselves but the evenings are off the scale. The quietness, the longing, the yearning, the loss, even the telly is unreliable in it’s functioning as I’ve less experience in it’s operation. I know, it sounds absolutely ridiculous. I thought about going to a spiritualist church one evening although my Mother has forbade’ me saying it will mess with my head.’ It couldn’t get any work messed. She is a Christian though so I respect her thoughts. If I go I won’t tell her although the service is cancelled tonight due to the poor weather. I suppose I am just doing a straw poll’ on what people do if they are not radio listening, telly watching, reading… I have fallen into a less functional style of calling a few folk on the phone after a glass or two of vino so I feel I want to hide my phone or throw it out of the window if I become undisciplined as they will soon tire of me or it will raise concern. I need ideas of a group perhaps outside of the home or taking on nightwork in a care home!

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Hello @Pooka1968 ,

I’m so sorry for the loss of your husband. Thank you for sharing this with us. I’m just giving your thread a gentle, “bump” for you - hopefully someone will have some thoughts to share.

Take good care,