Coping with milestones

Got it x 2 then !

Good morning Edwin,
A day full of wonderful memories for you, is what I wish for today; 52 years ago today you were wed. Sending birthday wishes also. Thinking of you and all your lovely family as you are gathered together, peace be with you, x

How kind of you to remember me. Rainbow.
I have my daughter and three adult grandchildren here - they gathered here yesterday. More coming later today.

I’m sending you hugs today, Edwin. I hope you have a day filled with many smiles on your face and much love in your heart x

Thinking of you today Edwin as you mark this significant Milestone. 52 years. May warm and gentle memories surround you. The card you describe is so lovely and fitting, and the photo of the two of you also says so much. Nice to put a face to the posts. Take care. Sister2