Just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all and hope this week finds you all well and I’ll post more tomorrow and check in with you all more when I finish work early x

Love to you all and chat tomorrow :purple_heart: x


Same with me, hi everyone, I will have more time tomorrow to reply.
Sending love
Debbie xx


Just discovered ‘Colin from Accounts’ comedy. Hilarious. Going to catch up from the beginning on bbc i player.
This week has certainly not turned out as sunny as was forecast so not sure how much I’ll get in the garden. Will try to finish flags and have old gold xmas metal decorations to string up too.
Love to all xxx


Hi Christine,

Wow so many questions. The water cress we had it in our last house’s pond and just dropped it in we didn’t plant it. It was in a shallow area where the waterfall was. We used it as a good natural filter and it grew rapidly, so had to keep thinning it out.

Pond plants, bear root versus potted. In the past we mainly bought potted up plants as individuals or as mixed baskets, usually from a local garden centre, mixture of butterfly and frog plants. We had a beautiful marsh marigold marginal which attracted lots of insects. Also it’s good to get plants that attract frogs.

Probably best to get different types, marginals, slightly deeper marginals ones. Floating like water hyacinths and oxgynators that does what it’s says.

Zone 1: Moisture Loving Plants.
Zone 2: Marginal Pond Plants.
Zone 3: Deep Marginal Pond Plants.
Zone 4: Submerged Pond Plants.
Zone 5: Floating Pond Plants.

Having said that, I have just bought my water lilly from the same company. Lincolnshire pond plants. That was bare root, and came as a kit for me to plant up, it seems to be doing okay.

Also it’s hit and miss what grows well and what doesn’t. We also had alot of water iris, they did really well, like this one.

My son came round today, helped me empty the old pond and caught the last two fish which are now living in his pond with his fish.
Still got to move the plants still in the raised area and dismantle the wooden frame.

I’m going to move our garden bench to the area when it’s all dismantled and rearrange my pots and planters.

I will send you and @Suzanne30 some valerian, but have to wait until my bluebells in the front garden have died down so I can get to the roots. They are under this lot.

My hands really stink of pond water even though I washed them well.
I’m off to get some dinner now, speak to you soon

Love Debbie xx


Thank you Debbie and absolutely no rush xx

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Hi Christine x

What is ‘Colin from Accounts’? Never heard of it I don’t think x

Woke up this morning and actually had frost on the car which was a massive pain in the bum as I was rushing as it was and had to wait until I could actually see. What further made it worse was I turned on the engine but I had obviously not turned off the stereo as all of a sudden music blasts of at full volume at 6.45am and I nearly :poop: myself :joy: x then on way home the car said it was 24C lol x

Have you been swimming again if the weather isn’t conducive to getting out in to the garden?
I was reading your comments about the Creep and I just wonder (and I mean no disrespect by saying this) what he finds so fascinating about your lifestyle lol x I can only assume it’s cause you broke the mould of what he sees a conventional woman lives like and he can’t handle that x

Your garden looks amazing and I have spare couple of medium sized plant pots in the garden where I had to remove some dead lavender plants so what do you suggest I put in them? They are also in full sun and little shade…any suggestions? x

Another day in the groom room tomorrow so will see who I can piss off tomorrow :joy: x

Much love :green_heart: x


Hi Neil :slight_smile:

How is this week finding you? Was today ok for you?

You sound like you had a very good weekend and hopefully you’ll be able to get tickets to soon x
been there myself in getting limited views but I don’t mind if it’s a musical as I can still hear the score but I’m glad it didn’t spoil your enjoyment of the ballet too much x
What are you up to the rest of the week? I’m working tomorrow and then off a couple of days x I have a webinar meeting tomorrow night so won’t get to see the last episode of the Mandalorian until Friday and trying to avoid all the spoilers is mental x
Is there football for you this weekend? x

Anyway better head to bed as got work tomorrow :yawning_face: x. All the store managers, field team etc have all had a jolly boys outing this week to Bognor Regis and been to the shows and been treated to a show by Diversity and all the mugs like me etc have all had to work on reduced store hours so I’ve basically done the bare minimum :joy: x

Anyway take care and much love :two_hearts: x


Hi Christine

I meant to get back earlier to catch up but the people putting the log burner only left late on Monday and everything is chaos on the tidying up front so I’m trying to get through that. I would never have a log-burner personally. I’d willingly freeze first. They smell, they make my eyes and throat sore and as a person with Asthma it hurts my chest. I don’t really want to poo-poo it to him though as I’m always moaning and will just try to avoid being in the room!

The pictures are so lovely of all your plants again. Pansies have little kitten-faces and remind me of when I’d buy loads in years gone by and they’d bob about in the breeze. It’s a shame they can be sometimes a bit delicate and get blown about. Have you ever had any mesembryanthemum? Their common name is “Livingstone Daisies” and they are a ground cover daisy of spectacular multi-colour with what looks like sugar coated leaves. Stunning. Next door’s front lawn is a total carpet of gorgeous yellow dandelion flowers. I may take a sneaky snap of them before the guy gets his lawnmower out and beheads them all.

Glad you got some family time with your niece and nephew. I can imagine what that would have meant to you. I’ve got caught in the crossfire between my brother and sister and now she’s taken offence and not speaking to me. It’s times like these a tent on the Yorkshire Moors seems a tempting prospect!

I did actually manage to salvage the chimney pot from when the log burner people swapped it over. Might be able to adapt it to a plant holder. It’s got a wobbly bum (it’d not the only one!) But I’m sure I can modify it somehow!!

Weather is supposed to turn a bit more unsettled tomorrow onwards. Quite a few people in the road turn their front garden into an outdoor lounge/dining area in the warmer months. If it was me I’d stay in the back garden but they obviously like having a nosey what’s going on!

Well, it’s gone midnight so I’ll try again to get a bit of sleep.

Hope creep keeps a low profile so you can get more stuff done in the garden tomorrow.

Love xx


Morning all

These aren’t my plants but as I was talking to Christine about them being one of my favourites I thought I would share this and use it to wish us all a trouble-free and serene Thursday.

Much love all xx

Mesembryanthemum (Livingstone Daisy) ground cover and open their lovely petals in daylight hours



Morning Tina and to everyone
Will be off out to do a bit of shopping shortly. Weather nice and sunny here with the lovely cherry blossom out.
Quiet weekend for me this time although my team have a couple of very important games starting this evening.
Wishing you a good Thursday and a peaceful weekend
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Suzanne
Finally managed to book Harry Potter with one of my gift cards yesterday. A play that is notoriously expensive and very hit and miss in terms of the view you get in the cheaper seats but cannot justify paying over £100 to see a show, especially in these times!
Nothing for the weekend but important football matches tonight and on Sunday.
Off to do some shopping shortly, amazing how some of those prices have rocketed since the start of the year. I did a few bits in Iceland the other day as nice to have a bit more variety and value for money.
Take care and check in again soon!
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Debbie, Thank you so much for the info. The chart explaining the planting depths makes sense so I’ll use that as a guide. I’ll defo get water lillies as I really those and will include the marigold. I’ve ordered from Lincolnshire company for my fishtank plants and that was a bit hit and miss too as to what did well. I’ll have to measure the pond I created myself with liners. It has 3 levels but because I’m on a bank it varies with the depths. I’ll have a bit of clear out of old debris too. Nothing more pongy than a stinky pond!
I know it’s sad to see the old pond go (you could create a raised bed in it with a rocky effect around it rather than sinking it again, to create a mound). Tell your son he’s a good boy from me! And to sit in that space is a good transition from the ‘old’ to ‘new’ space. I can imagine Doug nodding his approval!
Your lovely bluebells remind me of the old garden. They thrived and created a mass of colour. Plants know where they want to be. They were happy under the shade of a tree. Anything you want from my garden just tell me.
I was out there until late yesterday getting my consetina trellis attached to the trellis fencing and managed to get half the bamboo rolls attached too. Waiting for more plastic ties and screws (ordered the wrong size). Got my second lot of flags up and threaded my xmas lanterns onto ribbon too, ready to decorate the patio area for summer. Didn’t get any pics as it was too late when I finished wrestling with the new electric box that wouldn’t close properly so had to put the old one back up. I also repositioned the old ornamental fountain from the old garden so will have to see if it’s still working. Got the two water butts positioned again and tied into place. So a lot achieved. Will take pics today if the workmen go away. Couldn’t stand at the kitchen door like usual in my pjs with Porsch fiddling about incase they could see me.
Got the print of Robin back yester and took it along to my friend with a climber potted on from the pergola where Robin liked to loll in the summer. He was very moved and thought the pic was lovely. I have to trawl through my garden pics to find his cats so I can create a folder to send him. His cats are missing Robin and looking for him and crying. I can’t even imagine the loss of Porsch. Cats are like little children. I’ll be devastated when she goes. Trying not to think about it. Porsch was very naughty trying to get me out of bed because I fell back asleep at 6.30 this morn after doing all that work yester. She was doing little sick pools on the rugs in the hall. Does it deliberately. Doesn’t happen when I’m up and about with her.
Hope the workmen go soon so I can get out there. Will look for pond plants today. I’ll get my cress in and clean it out in the meantime.
Another week nearly done for you. It’s always hard going back after a holiday break but after the first week it’s like you’ve never been gone.
Will post pics today if I can get out there again.
Lots of love and thanks again for the pond info. I have it written down so I can refer to it.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Suzanne,
Colin from Accounts is hilarious! Australian comedy about two singles and a dog, Colin. I came across it flicking channels on telly but you can watch the 8 or so episodes on iplayer. Hope they make more. I binge watch what I love and then wish I’d spaced it out a bit when it’s finished.
I knew the frost was coming but poor you having no warning. Having a blast like that would certainly have woke you up. I love Spring but it really is all over the place. I put a lot of my winter stuff in the loft when the sun came out and wish I hadn’t.
Bit of good news with my niece. She’ll be starting a work training placement as a teaching assistant with little ones and I’ll be able to meet her after work and we can have a swim and I’ll drop her home after. Be lovely in the summer with the outdoor pool. Haven’t started the swimming again like I’d hoped. Be meeting my niece / nephew again Sat for a swim. Sure he’ll have more rude jokes again. So funny.
I think you’re right about the creep not being able to accept that I am very independent and refuse to have anything to do with him. He obviously thought I was a lot younger than I am (people do) and I didn’t fit the mould of his pig ignorant macho man attitude towards women. It’s that sense of entitlement I can’t stand. I wonder what the reaction will be to me getting the bamboo up on the trellis. Got loads done yester and I did hear comments about how I’ve obviously had enough of the comments and being watched. Yes! At last. So people generally know what he is doing and this is my defense against it. I heard something about how people underestimate me and that I’ll fight to get what I want. Very true! But I’m sure other people don’t find life this hard. He didn’t come out again when he arrived home. I was having a hell of a temper tantrum (can’t hide it as I throw things around and swear my head off at myself!) when the new electric box lid wouldn’t close properly and I had to put the old one back up. If you’ve ever tried doing one you’d know how fiddly it is. But anyway he stayed in. Found an old roll of tatty bamboo I can use to stuff the awkward bit between fences where the spiky tree is. If I have a plan I’m getting there. Did loads and hope to get pics today.
My friend was very touched and loved the print I got of Robin. He’ll plant the climber outside the front door with an arch. He’s made a start in his garden clearing up so I hope it encourages him to use the space as it may help with his drinking. Hope so.
I will send you a couple of roots of my honey bushes as they love full sun for your pots and will thrive. Just trim like a hedge when they get going. I brought a couple from the old garden. The smell of honey is powerful and I can picture coming down the path as I arrive. Hope they send well. I’ll package in compost and post Royal Mail. Give them a good drink when they arrive. Will do that to post next Tues as I can do that after therapy when I’m out. Have a boiler service tomorrow and then the weekend would be hectic. I always try to find times that are quiet so I can control my panic. Will try Monday actually with a swim. I’ll ask Debbie if she wants some too.
While you are waiting for it to grow you could brighten your pots for summer with lobelia. Masses of colour all summer.
Enjoy your grooming adventures. My friend thinks I should get a little rescue dog to get me out the house more but I don’t think it would be the push I need and then I’d have the worry about the dog not getting walked enough. It would have the garden to play in but I’ve always had cats. It’s a thought, to give love to an oldie who’s parent has passed and they’re left behind and just need to find a new loving home again. You’ll Colin.
Off to get ready now. Can’t believe it’s nearly lunch time. That’s how knackered I am!
Lots of love xxx


Hi Debbie,
Would you like me to send you a bit of honey bush root? Doing some for Suzanne for her full sun pots. It has the most beautiful honey perfume in summer. Took some from the old garden and I have to plant out of their pots. Starting to flower.


Hi Tina,
Love those daisies! They remind me of being little. They do look like they’ve been sugared. It’s lovely watching them open as the sun comes out and such pretty colours. Love your pic. Daises are a huge family and so varied. Hope my big ones come back again this year. I’ve planted so many flowers over the years and because clay soil is so water logged (squelching mud bath) I don’t think much survives). I always have to dig up my dahlias (wondering when to plant them out with the frost coming) . I found seeds to plant too and I have my compost waiting to do it but Spring is such a temperamental creature. They always say ‘never cast a clout till Mays out’ Never asked mam what a clout was but I know its something about frost.
Can’t believe he’s gone ahead with the log burner when you have asthma? He must be one of the most selfish people I’ve come across, where you just don’t matter to him and his decisions, despite sharing a house. My therapist uses logs in his hearth and they’re treated to give a lovely scent (can’t remember what it is). I can imagine you wheezing with the smoke and your eyes streaming. Bit like my hayfever at the minute. I could claw my eyes out they’re so itchy. Please don’t clear up the mess of it. He wanted it so he should maintain it. Like you said, just stay out of they room. Get a heater for your bedroom and make it a little haven of loveliness. It’s awful that you have to negotiate your day around him when he’s your brother. And now your sis is in a huff you’re on your own, like me. They need to grow up! God I’m so opinionated. But you’re my friend and I wish you had an easier life.
Such good news about my niece. She’s starting a teacher training course and will be working locally so I can pick her up to go for a swim and drop her home. Be lovely going to the outdoor pool in the summer. I’ll be swimming again Sat. It’s funny hearing all the rude jokes my nephew is learning at school!
Your chimney pot sounds delightful with it’s wobbly bot! I love chimney pots planted up. Was just saying to Suzanne about lobelia being a splendid show for summer as they love full sun. A fountain of that spilling out would look fab.
Looking forward to seeing the dandelions. I love them with their bold colour and big heads. Don’t know why people don’t like them. The children always used to pick the leaves for their little guinea pigs.
I can imagine your summers where every day is a tea party in the sun. You’ll enjoy the coronation! Can imagine their beady eyes everywhere. I want the sun for my garden and always feel better for getting out and being busy but the flip side is having neighbours watching everything I’m doing. Hope the bamboo trellis fences will have an impact. Lots of chat about how I’ve obviously had enough of all the comments. Yes I bloody have! Can you imagine how they’d react if I started bitching about them. Sometimes I wish I was deaf so I couldn’t hear them. It fuels my anxiety. But I’d rather know what is going on so I’m aware of it. I’ll be thinking of you when I’m out there, if the workmen have buggared off next door. Still not ready yet. So knackered off yester. Will get pics of what I’ve been up to and post when I come back in.
Oh, Robins print came yester and my friend was very moved and chuffed that I did that. I also gave him a potted on climber from where Robin used to loll about in the pergola in the summers, hissing at me if I dared try to go in the house! He’ll be such a big miss this summer when I have the other two mooching about. They’ve always come along and shared the garden , much to Porscha’s dismay! But they tolerate one another and accept that Porsch is in charge. She’ll guard the door so they can’t come in for treats. I love cats!
Good luck with the tidying up. It’s so unfair that you always clear up the mess. But just imagine how proud your mam will be watching over you.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,
Always lovely to see you pop in. I’ve been catching up with posts and am still not dressed after getting up late from being shattered with all the gardening jobs from yesterday. Will get out there again today and get some pics of what I’ve been up to. Very pleased with my trellis / bamboo fixings. It was a job I was putting off doing and it has turned out to be easier than I thought. Been dreading it all winter but I can imagine getting it done and planting up with climbers to block out the view from the creep. He hasn’t reacted so far to what I’ve done and didn’t come out yester when I was enraged with the electric box (which wouldn’t close after all the faffing trying to replace the old one. Had to put the old one back up again). Furious! I have my dad’s temper, much to my dismay! There’s been chat about how I don’t care and that people wouldn’t want to get on the wrong side of me, and that they have underestimated me. Good. That should keep the buggars at arms length with their bitchy comments as I mind my own business in my own garden!
Enjoy your footie babe. I don’t understand it but hope they win for you!
Enjoy your cherry blossom as you shop. I love this time of year with it’s pale pink snow in the wind. I’m instantly transported back to arriving at the old house where cherry blossoms lined the road and would cover the pavement. Magical.
I really must dash now and get dressed. I have to tidy up for the boiler check tomorrow and want to get my pics so I can pop back again.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil
So jealous your going to see Harry Potter, I’m sure you will love it can’t wait to hear all about it and hope you get a good view.
Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers: for West Ham, are you getting nervous now it’s near the end of the season.
I like Iceland too, just about to do an home delivery order, so busy this week I won’t get time to go into town.
It’s turned very cloudy and chilly earlier, I was sitting in the garden and the sun just went. Looks like it will pour down.
Have a good weekend
Love Debbie xx


Hi Nick
Just checking in to see how you are, still suffering with your back and knee pain. I hope it hasn’t stopped you getting out and about.
Sending love
Debbie xx


That would be lovely Christine, not heard of a honey bush before. My garden is south facing so it will get plenty of sun.
Love Debbie xx

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Hi Debbie and all,
You were right about the sun going in and the rain. I didn’t have that long out in the garden today but did get lots done. So here goes.
Filled the pond and measured the depths for my water plants (yet to decide). Added my cress in small clumps and watched as a massive snail started munching on it!

Filled two water butts, having already positioned and secured them with wire. Can’t wait to get that area planted up so I can get everything in the ground and out of pots.

The old metal water wheel on top of the large butt was a car bootie find. Stops the cats falling in!

I added more of the bamboo roll

onto the consatina trellis I added yesterday

and tied in climbers as I went.

Have finished that area now and hope the climbers cover the area over the summer. The blackberry I had to cut back so I could get in with the ladders is doing well.

A couple of trees/bushes have taken root, having used the stems as stakes.

So the top half is completed now

I found a roll of old bamboo (recycled from my sis when she moved) to use in the tricky tree space between fence panels.

Plastic garlands are up over the pond

and the threaded xmas lanterns

are now up above the table after much chaos because I threaded all onto one long length and wasn’t sure how far they would go.

Love my flags dancing in the wind (two layers now)

Pots are ready for seeds

and I found the things for keeping the peonies upright.

Hoping to test out the electrics on the Diana fountain from the old garden . Think it works well there.

It was a running joke that it looks so like my sis up north. She was very offended when she found out!

Lots of wrestling to place the filtration system. Again, hope it works.

Now that area is cleared I will create a raised mound with the earth dug out from the pond to create more depth.

So another hard days graft balanced with inspecting pots (my fave). My tulips are coming out to play (finally!)

Sweet Williams are starting to bud

Very annoyed to see more moulding fat balls hidden away

and plants dug.

Not impressed with the little presents I come across on my travels. At least this one has a feather on it.

I do love the way Nature is reclaiming it’s space

I love these delicate little white flowers

but my fave area is still this one

The dolls house has been emptied upstairs so I’m presuming the birds are using it for their nesting.

More ferns uncurling as Spring forges ahead

but the weather is very changeable, from bright warm sunshine to a very dark and heavy sky before the downpour forced me inside.

My hands are like sandpaper, despite slavering on the hand cream and I have a massive bruise on my toe from dropping the electric drill before I went out today. But I have enjoyed getting more things done again. Have a boiler check tomorrow so trying to finish drying all the washing tonight. Had to pop all my textiles in the loft out the way as they were unfinished. I feel better for being in control but it still feels so empty without mam.
Will do the honey bush over the weekend and hope to post Monday if I can tie it in with a swim.
Lots of love xxx