Death of only child

I’m so sorry for your loss, like you I have lost my only child , how do we ever get over this ? I don’t think we ever will , I have accepted life now will never be the same . I feel your pain and only hope you can express how you feel on this site , and by sharing your grief with others who are going through the same it may bring you some comfort . Speak about your beautiful daughter, I speak about my son even though people close to me don’t know what to say . I send messages to his Facebook, do whatever you can to keep your daughters memory alive. I can feel that others here will offer you support, I know it’s so hard to keep going but please reach out sending you love AnneMarie


Your post has touched a great deal and I would like to help. I think it’s good to keep in contact with him because he will always be your son and that relationship is permanent despite not being in a physical or tangible sense.

As far as I can see it, you need to connect with others in the same position as you. My situation is different as I am on this forum as I lost my mother just over 4 weeks ago and I am grieving hard but keep reading the posts here as there are some amazingly deep stories and we are fortunate to be able to exchange about how we feel.

I would also advise to try and venture out of your “private hell” if you can. I know men deal with things differently but try and connect with others who have also lost children.

Thinking of you a lot xx

If you speak on the phone to Compassionate Friends and cry that will be ok with them. They are parents who has lost a son or daughter just like us. They really are kind and compassionate. They have helped me and found me a Grief Companion. They explain all that in the leaflets. I think you have done a positive thing contacting them. Wishing you strength and peace xx

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