I don't know where to start.

Hello Pat,
Thanks again for your reply. I know what you mean about bad days arriving when you think things are getting better. I’ve had a few and expect to get more. One reason I wanted a nice photo of Audrey was because, in my head, I had these terrible pictures of her as she died and I couldn’t block them out. Now, with this portrait photo in front of me when I sit, I am finding that it is slowly replacing those awful images.
I also feel that I have been selfish in as much as I have been thinking only of my own grief. Now, however, I am slowly coming to appreciate the suffering of others and hope to do what I can to help them. Without realising it I have already started as pointed out by my daughter Susan.
I think everything is going to have to be put on hold for the time being due to the virus but forums like this one will become even more important as a means of communication. At 85 I’ve been told to stay home as much as possible and avoid contact with people. I understand the reasoning behind the guide lines but it won’t be easy.
Stay well
Love. Michael.

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Thank you, Michael,
I do understand what you mean, about your picturing Audrey as she died. It is heartbreaking.
Take care,
MaryL x x

Hi Michael, nice to hear from you. Those terrible memories of our loved ones last days/hours is something that I don’t think we will ever forget but we must put them to the back of our minds because there is nothing we can for them anymore. Except of course keep their memory alive and remember them in happier times. I have photo’s around the house of my husband. With his band, in shorts out walking in all of them he looks tanned and healthy and slowly it is blocking out those final hours, which was a nightmare that no one should have to go through.
I agree being able to help others in just a small way can be a therapy of sorts for us.
Take care of yourself. I am an outdoors person and find it hard to stay indoors. I am living my life quite normally and having an allotment don’t think I am in any danger planting and digging. My dogs also need their walks so it’s virtually life as normal, but taking no risks. On the plus side, house has never been so clean.
Pat xxx

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Good night dear Pat, sweet dreams,
Mary x x x x