Letters from my dad

Sorry MaryL
I got cut off earlier (battery for my modem) so posted this but realised only half of it seems to be there.
I also wrote how remarkable and wonderful that your parents were together since they were 10 and 12 that is amazing. I also had edited the Frank Hartley and said how he was a brave soul and also how much of a difference it makes when someone shares there stories of the war because it makes it alive for the younger people and makes them understand what it was really like. I talked about an older gentleman who had began posting his wartime experiences on youtube and how it went viral and how so many young people messaged him to say thanks that they learned about the war in school but that meant nothing to them but when they heard stories from people like him it really resonated with them and how the people who went to war where not much older than themselves. I also spoke about blub and that it was a website where you can publish books, either of stories or photos or recipes. How i used it for my dads 60th birthday to publish a Cowboy novel he had written and that he had been a big John Wayne Fan and he even looked a little like him and that my mum and dad were like an everyday version of Maureen OHara and John Wayne from the Quiet Man which incidentally was their favourite film. And finally I was just asking after you and how you were keeping just now.
So take care and please keep posting these fascinating stories.
Thinking of you

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Thank you so much, Meebee for your posts.
It is very kind of you to reply,

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Dear MaryL,
I always liked your posts and I was only sorry I seemed to have lost touch as I remember messaging with you when I first joined and i kept missing you on threads but I kept wondering on and off how you were doing. So i was glad to see you again today and touch base. I hope that despite everything you are doing okay relatively speaking of course. And I do find you a very interesting person. You know I have ended up being on and off here most of the day catching up with people and replying to messages, after not being on at the weekend. So much for the housework today. urgh Take care of yourself. Thinking of you.

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