My son

Hi im new to here just wanted to connect with other people struggling with grief .i lost my 24 year old son suddenly may 2023 he was playing football and felt unwell and collapsed and died we later found out he had a genetic heart condition we knew nothing about so was such a shock and absolutely heart breaking ,my husband and my middle son also have the gene.


Hello @Blossom4,

Thank you for reaching out. I’m so sorry for the loss of your son. We have some really supportive threads for people who have lost an adult child. You might want to post on this one and connect with others:

Are your husband and son getting any support after finding out they had the gene? I can imagine that must be very frightening for you all to live with. The British Heart Foundation has some advice on genetic testing and counselling on their website which you may find helpful.

I hope you find the community to be a support to you - you are not alone.

Take care,

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It’s such a massive shock to loose a child. I’ve recently lost my eldest son, he was 40. Unexpected and out of the blue. Just unbelievable. Also it’s not the natural order of things.
We don’t yet know why he died.
Please join the thread suggested, there’s a few of us on there all saying and feeling similar things. We can’t bring our children back but we all know about grief.

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