Need a good grief book

I just wanted to share these great books which have helped me a lot over the last 3 months since loosing my partner.

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Thanks for that information. We need all the help and comfort we can get. There are also some wonderful books on Amazon by Gary Roe. His books cover all types of grief
including death of a spouse, child, suicide etc. He also has books on how to cope with holidays like Christmas, anniversaries etc. Well worth a look. I hope it brings peace to such sad hearts.
Love and light.x

I found books to be a huge source of comfort and understanding. For the first couple of years after my husband passed away I read so many books. There was a thread started way back, to recommend books, I’ll see if I can find it and bring it to the fore. I remember your Megan Devine one was featured on it and it is one of the better books I’ve read. x

Rather than take from your thread @DoubleD, I’ve posted the link here, to the thread I mentioned. Might be worth a look.

Thanks for starting this thread and your recommendations and for reminding me of the previous thread; it was interesting to look back on it. Keep reading, it can help, if only a tiny bit. x

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