Saturdays are bad days

Alison, I have two older brothers. The eldest has very bad depression, so he is struggling, but he doesn’t talk about it, he just stays silent, and the other has a very busy career, so that occupies him. I really hope that within a year I am able to sort out the housing situation so mum can start living with me as I don’t want her to be alone.

Hope you’re ok today.

Hi Abdullah- that would be wonderful for you and your mum to live together so that you can look after each other. So good that she has you and sorry that your brother is suffering with his mental health at such a time. I am struggling as we all are. Thank you kind of you to ask.

It’s difficult, isn’t it? I hope you’re able to get some sleep at a good time tonight so you can get back into a proper routine before you go back to work.