1 year ago

So, tomorrow will be 1 whole year since I lost my husband. I can’t quite believe that we have got to 1 year, but the date doesn’t lie. Myself and my son are going away for a couple of days to Sheringham as I can’t quite cope with being home tomorrow- he died at home and have chosen to go somewhere and try to have a lovely weekend while celebrating Doug. Forever missed, forever loved :broken_heart:


Hi @Shell ,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

Hi Shell
It was two years for me a couple of days ago. It’s so weird in that it seems an age he was with us but that horrible night he had a heart attack beside me in bed seems like yesterday. I was supposed to be on jury service on the actual day but got cancelled so I did a shift at the food bank where I volunteer. Keep busy that’s what I did. I had calls from my immediate family and friends and my youngest son brought grandchildren and cooked me dinner. When I was on my own a lit a candle in the window and had a chat with him telling him about it my day. To be honest I was glad when it was over.

Sending you love
Georgina xx

Thank you @Georgie15. We have had a really busy day which has helped. Every day is horrible without him, so today was just another day. Xx


I have only just seen your message but wanted to send love.

I have just gone past the first anniversary too (25th April) and it’s impossible to believe that a whole year has gone by.
My daughters and I started making memory books the day before and that day. It’ll be a long term project but it felt right to try and do something in his honour if you like.

Karen xxx