1 year on from loosing mum. how it feels

Hey, so this month it will be a year since loosing mum

I wanted to give some insight a year on because in those earlier months it’s so intense.

I still feel pain, I still feel upset and I still miss my mum alot and grieve for her. It’s on my mind alot that it will be a years anniversary in a couple of weeks and it’s building itself up inside my head not quite knowing how I feel.

But I am better able to deal with the feelings than I was in the beginning and it’s definately helped getting some counselling as my mum was a complicated character. I am having to learn how to live with the feelings. The best thing you can do is be kind to yourself and don’t judge your feelings be they good, bad, happy, unhappy, angry etc. Don’t compare your grief to others, it’s your own journey. You will get there and if you need help, seek it out. :blue_heart:

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Thank you, that gives me some hope.