1 year on

Hi , it’s a year today since I lost my brother, not a day goes by that I don’t think of him, I still have so many unanswered questions, which I know will never be answered.
I can’t quite believe he is not here, a year ago I got that awful call to say he had passed away suddenly at his flat , found by 2 people he used to work with , so young , I just wish I could see him one more time to find out all the things I need to hear, sending my thoughts to anyone else who is coming up to that first year of a loss


Hello Jenny,

I am so sorry you lost your brother. I lost my big brother 2 years and 5 months ago and it might take another 2 years before it will get better.

We used to get a food delivery once a week. The driver would carry the big box of food to the front door while my brother would put the cat food into the garage. I would take the items out of the big box and carry them into the kitchen. I do not know why my brother did change the routine that day. He picked up the big box and carried it into the kitchen and had a heart attack. - He was only 74.


So sorry for your loss, my brother was a,week away from his 62nd birthday, life is so cruel ,i lost my sister who was 64 9 years ago but she had been ill will COPD for some years so we knew how ill she was, when its so sudden it seems so must worse, i guess it will take a lot longer to come to terms with it ,thinking of you and hoping we can all get some peace at some point

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Hello Jenny,

I just looked up COPD and it reminds me of the time when I was young. I am lucky, I only had asthma but I had blue lips most of the time.


Yes my husband had that when he was younger,luckily he grew out if it , COPD is an awful thing to have , my sister had it for years ,but its awful thing to die if at the end .i guess my brother was lucky in a way as we are told it would have been very quick as he died of a massive stroke due to high blood pressure which he didnt know about ,at least i hope he didnt suffer but will never know ,you take care thanks for listening

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Hello Jenny,

I had a MRI some months ago. They found two blood vessels in my brain that are too small and might give me a stroke some time in the future. The good part is that I have low blood pressure. If it should happen, I hope it will be quick. I just hope it will not be soon. I am 72 now and my brother made it to 74. Not a good feeling.


Sorry to hear that ,but as you say you dont have high blood pressure so thats good, you just have to try and leave each day to the full ,dont put anything off ,as we all no how short life can be and how easily it can be taken away from us

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