15 months on and how I feel now

Oh, and…

Since I joined the choir, I remembered that Ive always harboured the desire to play the flute, and play this song on it .
Within 5 minutes of remembering this, I’d booked lessons, and I’m on my way!
Its difficult, but Im proud of every little step I get right. Just goes to show that when we open a new door, there are more doors behind it to open.


You’re absolutely right @tykey and you’ve done amazingly in developing new interests and hobbies.

Trying new things is really important and if things don’t fit then it’s important to try something else until hopefully you find something that you enjoy.
I’ve taken up golf and pickleball since my husband died. I love pickleball and have met a complete set of different people since I started.
These contacts may develop into friends or not. At the moment it’s easier for me that they don’t know what my story is and so just treat me as a ‘normal’ person and not a young(ish) widow.
Sometimes going back to shared activities is too challenging, but it can be so hard to have the confidence and headspace to feel that you can start to move forward.
Everyone just needs to go at their own pace and hopefully in time will get to a place that is right for them.
It is so good to hear your positive experience and it gives us all some inspiration to try new things. Xx

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Yes we all have to go at our own pace. I find I cannot settle to things for long. Have various books crafts on the go but cannot settle to finish anything. My garden is my happy place and walking but the dark nights and weather will stop that. I don’t look forward to winter.