18 Months and I still cant cope

My dear Ade, Thank you for your kind words, I keep myself going by the sure and certain knowledge that we shall all be together again. I went to a sitting just after my beloved brother and friend passed away. I have always believed in the afterlife, at least since I grew up, I was staggered when both of them came “through”. it sounds a bit far fetched but both of them admitted that I was right and that they were wrong. The stunner came when my brother asked me to tell his best friend of many years, honestly Ade, there was nobody in that room who could have possibly known the name. I rang him and told him and he was frightened, not everyone understands. I do feel for you, losing your beloved Edward, especially in your arms. Believe you me, when the time is right you will be together again, never to part. Mary x

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Hi there thankyou for your message and kind words it means so much especially it’s six months and three weeks today since my Edward fell asleep in my arms im utterly truamatised witnesing it all happen in front of my eyes and to know we were out for my birthday this time last year is soul destroying never even opened the blinds today that’s very interesting about your story I really hope so I can’t wait to be with my soulmate again im really struggling thanks again for your kindness and support take care of yourself as much as possible in my thoughts Adele x

Thinking of you. 16mo here. Could be last week at times.

Hi Carera
You are not the only one who feels like you do.
My husband has only been gone 16 weeks and I know it is early days for me but there is not a day goes by when I don’t have a tear or two. I have no family just friends and put a brave face on when I am with friends most of the time but do have a tear sometimes in front of friends, can’t help it sometimes.
I miss my Mike so much and wish I was with him. Mike also was told the week before be died that he was responding so well to his treatment so it was a shock when he died. It is so difficult to pull ones self together so you are not alone!!!
message me anytime. Suex

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I shall be in touch, Ade, I have had a flare up of the porphyria, the bane of my life. I shall continue to pray for you. Take care and God Bless x x

Hi Sue,
I’ve only just read your message. I’m so sorry you’ve joined the nightmare. But its good to know that everyone here shares the same feelings, and we can talk openly about the difficulties.
Your friends are there to help you so don’t worry about the tears. It’s good they are there to listen.
Dont worry about pulling yourself together, its very early days for you, and I’m sorry. Take each day one at a time.
I wish I could say something comforting, but instead I’ll just send a big hug and keep checking the site x

Hi Carera
Thank you so much for your message, good of you.
Its so nice to know that there are people out there and it really helps me to cope with the loss of Mike.
Hope you are doing ok.
Take care Love Sue

I’m muddling through, but then we all are.
Keep up with your friends, they care about you and want to help.
We’re all here too.
Take care xx

Hi again Everyone, its nearly 2 years now, and if anything, I feel more lost and alone.
Does anyone have any good ideas?
I have family and friends, but the moment I’m alone, I am very alone. I’m sure you all know the feeling.
I don’t have any pets, but I’m sure that’s not the answer anyway.
I have no life left, and I don’t know how to start a new one, or whether I even want to!
Any answers would be great.
Thanks everyone xxx

Hello MissYou7,
I am so sorry that you have lost your Man, the last thing we do in this wonderful group is judge, you are very welcome, yet like the rest of us, it is the last place we want to be. Grief is the price we pay for love and at times like this it appears to be a very heavy price, having said that, it is worth every tear. My husband passed away last August, 2019, although he hadn’t been well for a while, I never expected that I was going to lose him, we had been married for 59 years. I realise that we were lucky to have so many years together, it does not mean that the heartbreak isn’t just as intense as if we had been younger. I hope that you will gain comfort by joining us.
I too have dressing gown days.

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