18 months on

Tomorrow is my younger one’s 6th birthday - his second birthday without his Dad. The grief always seems to hit so much harder on birthdays, Christmases and anniversaries - I just so wish grief had a linear line. How do you all cope with loss? If there’s anyone nearby in the same boat, I’d love to hear from you - not to drag you down but hopefully too give some support in return.

Hi Alice, I know how you feel, I lost my husband, not at such a young age as yours obviously was, but I still struggle with anniversaries and when the family gets together, every year I think oh it will be better, and I suppose looking back, it isn’t as bad as it was initially was, they say time is a great healer, I think you just learn to cope with it better, it must be so difficult for you with a young family, I do hope you have support from friends and family, sending love Jude x

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Thank you Jude - I think that’s part of my occasional ‘meh’ state of mind… it’s just the boys and me. My in-laws and I haven’t had the best of relationships and they’ve now also turned their backs onto their grandchildren. I just hope that life in general will return back to normal at some point soon :crossed_fingers:t2:

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