18 years

18 years today I lost my beautiful son Steve, my youngest, in a RTA, my heart is still broken, always will be, that day, imprinted on my brain, the police, the hospital, when they told me there was no hope, I heard this awful howl, like a wounded animals cry, and realised it was coming from me, my heart broke into a million pieces, shattered, I looked at his older brother, and I saw the pain in Ian’s eyes, they were brothers, two years apart, 26 and 28, but they were also best friends, I felt Ian’s heart break too, it was the three of us, family, fun, laughter, colour, suddenly it was grey, bleak, sorrow, emptiness, pain, I remember later leaving the hospital knowing I would never be the same, my boys were everything to me, how were we to cope , but cope we have, but part of me died that day too, I miss my cheeky, fun loving, happy lad, my Sunshine, my chatterbox, who used to raid the fridge, gladden my heart with a smile, hug me, tease me, I am so thankful he choose me to be his Mum, but he went too soon, and I so miss him xx


Thinking of you today @Caz6 sending you lots of :heart: and strength for today xxxxx

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