1st anniversary approaching

Hi everbody ive not been on for a while im starting to feel sad again mum who passed away 1st March last year is approaching her 1st Anniversary im not looking forward to it coming im feeling sad most days about have a littlle cry i miss my mum so much .Any advice please Sam

Hello @sammiseal123, I’m so sorry for the loss of your mum. I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share our support page on Coping with death anniversaries which might be helpful right now.

Take good care,

I too am approaching the 1st anniversary of the loss of my husband who sadly passed away from a short battle with cancer on the 24th February. 2022. The grief has hit me again, I have cried constantly, stopped eating regularly and feel exhausted. I don’t know if these feelings will subside in anyway but I can only accept it and try to live with it! What ever this new life is??