1st Christmas without my parents

Hi all,
I’m new here, i lost both my parents very recently. My parents were divorced since i was 13.
My Mum passed away suddenly on 16th Nov and my Dad was taken into hospital that same night and passed away on 25th November. Weve had Mums funeral, Dads is on the 4th Jan. My family have suffered much loss. We lost our eldest broth in 1994 and my baby girl in 2022.
I dont think i ever realky grieved my brother or my baby and now losing Mum and Dad, the grief feels unbearable at times. I realuse from experience that this is limbo time before Dads funeral so im not expecting too much from mysekf as i realise that processing this cannot possibly begin until after Dads funeral on the 4th Jan.
How do others cope with Christmas and supporting other family members ( husband & 2 daughters) when i feel paralysed with grief much of the day right now.


Hello @Pixie67,

I can see that you’re new to the community, so I wanted to say that I am so sorry for the loss of your parents that brings you here.

I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I wanted to share a few Sue Ryder resources with you that may help right now.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.

Take care,


Hi there so sorry for your losses, I can’t even begin to imagine how difficult it is losing both in such a short space of time. I am a single parent my mum was my son and I security blanket, always there no matter what. He has been struggling the last few weeks, not understanding why he is angry and breaking down as everyone is happy and he’s not because she isn’t here. First Christmas without his nana and anniversary is the 29th and I am trying to be strong for him. We are both a mess and there’s been lots of tears some happy and sad. We just keep talking about her and tomorrow it jammies and a takeaway and watching some films she liked. It’s difficult and not an easy journey without them, take care and you are not alone :sparkling_heart:


Hi pixie I am so sorry for what you’re going through right now . My heart goes out to you it really does having to lose both parents so close … I haven recently lost my mum and that’s destroying and broke my heart as I’m sure it as yours
There is no celebrations for me this year I don’t feel it in any way and I’m just desperately missing her so much x

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I have just read your post and I can’t imagine the grief you are going through losing both of your parents in such a short time period on top of your other loss. I have lost my dad and that loss is hard to deal with on its own. I want to wish you well and please reach out if needed.

Hi all, im new here. I lost my mam on the 16th December (on her birthday)She will be cremated on the 13th January. She paid for a pure cremation so there wont be a funeral. I feel lost and utterly broken.

Good evening and welcome to the site .
Desperately sorry to hear about the sad loss of your mother I really am and most of us on here can resonate with your hurt and pain
I take it you’re not happy with the pure cremation ? I had never really heard of it but I’m starting to hear it’s becoming quite a common thing
You will find lots of support on here with many amazing people x

So, so sorry for your losses. You are coping with so much. Stay strong. Sending you love x

Pure Cremation is what mam wanted. Im quite happy with them so far. They have been very understanding. Im thinking of arranging one for myself. Thanyou very much for you reply xx