1st death Anniversary

In just 2 weeks, it will be a full year since my loving,caring,brave wife breathed her last.
I just cannot comprehend that it will be 365 days since I held her in my arms, that she is not here anymore. I’m trying to do things that my Teresa would like, joined the choir at church, helping out at local foodbank. But when I come home, all I have are pictures on the wall and I cry for her.
She had so many setbacks in her life, suffered more than most but always loving, kind, caring to me, children all she encountered.
God bless my darling one of a kind, I’m so blessed to have you for so long.


It’s incredibly hard facing the first anniversary, which for me is next Tuesday, my darling husband is missing out on so much and it’s just not fair!
People saying I’m young I’ll find someone else!
I don’t want anyone else, I had my soulmate, I’ve lost him, but I’m still his wife and I don’t think that feeling will change, ever!
Stay strong my friend.:heart:


Hi @Ianmike and @Sandan75,

As you have both acknowledged in your posts, anniversaries can be really hard - it’s important to do what is right for you when these dates come around.

Just in case you haven’t already seen it, I thought I would share the link to this page on our website as you might find some of it helpful: Remembering a loved one: death anniversary | Sue Ryder.

Please know that you are not alone - keep reaching out.

Take care of yourselves,


Me too xxx