2 Grannies gone

Hi all.

I’m struggling at mo.
I lost my granny who spent almost half my life living around the corner yesterday morning, without the chance to say goodbye.

I lost my other one in August and gave birth to my second baby in the middle. Between Feb and early this month hubby lost his role but just gained a new one.

It’s been hell.

I’ve felt sick all week…eaten bodyweight in crap as told Mon this granny had days. Lacking energy and confidence and continously tired.

Any support welcome x

Hello Ant.

Thank you for posting on the community. I am so sorry to hear of the passing of both your Grannies, but It’s good that you have reached out. I know our lovely members will respond to you, very shortly. They are all in the midst of their own grief, and will be able to share their own experiences and how they are coping.

Please know we are all here for you. If you feel you might need a little extra help, Sue Ryder offers an online bereavement counselling service. This is a free service and sessions are held via video chat so you can attend from home. There’s more information about this service here: www.sueryder.org/counselling.

Take care,
Online Community Team.