2 years today

My sweet beautiful perfect Irish rose :rose:. It’s 2 years today since you died and my heart was broken and my world was shattered. I can’t believe 2 years have gone by. Pairwise it feels like yesterday. But missing you and being withoutyou it feels like an eternity. I love you with all my heart and soul and always will. You were everything i ever wanted and needed and far more than i ever deserved. You deserved so much better than me. You were the kindest gentlest loving soul that i have ever known and you so deserved to live longer than you did. This world is a darker place withoutyou in it and it’s lost all meaning to me withoutyou. I’m so lost and broken and so empty withoutyou babe. I long for you every second of everyday and just want to be held by you. I miss everything about you and i so miss hearing you say i love you babe. I was so blessed to have had you in my life. To be loved by you and to be chosen by you. Thank you for loving me and giving me the happiest and best years of my life. I’m so in love with you and i never knew how beautiful love could be until you came along and completed me. You made me a better woman and showed me how beautiful life could be and it so was with you in it. Pauline you came into my life and completed me. You showed me what real meaningful deep passionate love is. Our hearts joined as one and our souls entwined forever. You made everyday worth living and brought love and happiness and joy and laughter in to my life. You made me so very happy and content. Sometimes i can think of you and smile. But it still hurts and i think it always will. Afterall how can it not? You are the love of my life. But i am so very grateful for the years we had together. The best thing that ever happened in my life was you and the worst was your death and having to try and carry on withoutyou. I just don’t know how to do life withoutyou and in all honesty it’s not living anymore it’s just existing and waiting for my time to come. It truly was an honour and a privilege and a pleasure to be your life partner. To love you and be loved by you and to have shared the years we did together. Death may have separated us. But nothing will ever take away the love we share. True love never dies. You are my soulmate, the love of my life, my heart, my soul, my life, my wife. I love you my darling . Be at peace babe xxxxx


Absolutely beautiful words. I feel exactly the same about the soulmate I have lost.


Hi @ @Casey1 Me too.x

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Dear Casey, so beautifully written to Pauline if only we could have this time again. x

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Dear Casey such beautiful and loving words for your loveiy Pauline. Love and hugs to you on this sad day. Xxx

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