26yrs old and mother passing suddenly

My mother passed away very suddenly in November just gone. It was a tragic death and she was 43 and I never got to say goodbye. As someone who has never dealt with close grief before I am struggling to come to terms with this new life without her in it, one minute she was here and in the blink of an eye she was gone. Im struggling terrible with anger, anxiety, fatigue due to lack of sleep at the moment


my mum passed away last december. i am feeling exactly how your feeling. i was a carer for the past few years as she had health conditions etc but wasnt on end of life. she was fine but gone so suddenly. i am very tired, exhausted and just have nightmares. i just lost my best friend and my world and its really hard to move on for myself


Hello Chloe, I’m so sorry for your loss. Your mum was so young. Grieving is the final responsibility we must endure for our lost loved ones. The pain, anger, anxiety, and other emotions will continue for awhile but it’s normal and our bodies response to grief. I hope you can find some peace of mind sharing your thoughts and experiences here. There are many here grieving just as you are. You’re not alone. My heart goes out to you.

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@Peterb Thank you for your kind words it’s very much appreciated.

@mia4 Sending love, it’s very tough :broken_heart:

Im sorry for your loss Chloe - i was 27 when i received a phone to call to say my father had passed away. It was totally unexpected and like you, there was no chance to say goodbye, so i understand the shock and devastation. I can remember the world just caving in - I’d just always imagined him being there…and now he wasnt - how was that even possible? My brain couldnt comprehend it. That was over 20 years ago now, and it was a long old journey but somewhere along the way the grief became more manageable. I sought counselling support via my employer because none of my friends had experienced loss and i just needed someone to open up to who could help me navigate the journey. You may find that other family members will deal with their grief in different ways - everyones experience is different. Its very early days for you - try and look after your body with food, water and sleep as this will help give you strength to deal with all the emotions. If you are struggling with sleep and anxiety you might want to consider speaking to your gp. There are also lots of breathing exercises for anxiety and to help wind down before bed on YouTube. And keep posting here - there are so many people suffering loss - you’re not on your own :heart:

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Hi Chloe I’m exactly the same. My mum died suddenly on new year’s eve. Although 83 it was sudden I’d only seen her 3 hours earlier. I’m struggling with anxiety which is also making my tinnitus worse so sleeping is also difficult. This community has helped remind me that I’m not alone and this is a normal response. Sending big hugs :hugs:

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