2nd February two days away

I’m really struggling I feel like I’m letting my mother down. I love my sons dad but my mother hated him. I know the saying is you can’t help who you love but I don’t know why I’m trying again with him because my instincts are telling me not to. It’s one year since my mother passed on Wednesday. I already did something on the 22nd January to celebrate her memory but the 2nd will still be hard.

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Hi @StarHeart,

Thank you for starting this new thread and for bravely sharing some of your struggles. Anniversaries (as well as the time before and after them) are often so difficult as they bring so many emotions to the surface again.

Please know you do not need to struggle alone - it might help talking to someone about how you are feeling and what you are going through, either through counselling or perhaps by contacting an organisation like Samaritans who are available 24/7.

I thought you might also find some of these pages on our website helpful as they focus in on supporting yourself through grief.

Take care of yourself, particularly tomorrow - keep reaching out,