2yrs today

its 2 yrs since i lost my hubby who died suddenly after 48 yrs, and although i have been over his death for a long time, i still miss him and would still love to have him back here. its no good crying over it for months or yrs, these things happen and you have to get on with your life whether you like it or not


Well said, @SueF1 . Two years for me this week as well, after losing her one month before our Golden Wedding. I feel exactly as you do.
I never forget our best friends also grieve for her, so to celebrate having known her, we are all going out for dinner on the anniversary. I know we’ll have our individual emotional moments, but there will be lots of smiles and chattering about her
You have a wonderful attitude, which makes coping much easier, doesn’t it.
Do something really special for him
Good luck!!


Positive comments and you are both right, life is for the living. What’s happened we can’t change and no amount of sadness or tears will bring them back. I am at the 12mth stage but I have drawn a line under the grief now, yes I miss him, yes I love him and my memories will always be safely tucked in my heart. I will have good days, bad days and everything in-between but I’m still standing.
Hope you both do what makes you happy on the day and both look at how far you have come


despite everything this was our song


A really lovely song!

My.husband loved kenny Rogers but cant say ive heard this song but so true … we dad many years of happiness and i was so.lucky really. Why does life feel so rubbish now though ? Its so hard keeping going some days :frowning: its a dam struggle to see what the point of it is apart from my lovely dog lucy … xx

@LynT i will always think about him, the memories are always there, but cant see the sense in crying about it all the time, do that the first few weeks, not months or yrs after, not going to change anything, not going to bring them back. you have to get on with your life, get a new job, move, find someone else, whatever it takes, and the younger you are the easier it is. i have had the anniversaries, the birthdays, xmas etc, i dont cry over it, i didnt yesterday, i thought about him, wished he was here but thats it. maybe i sound hard but i am a down to earth realist

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Well i dont think there’s anything wrong with crying ! Cry as much as you want is what the bereavment counsellor told me ! Get it out. Theres not much difference between being sad and crying i find … but i know we also have to try and live on but its very hard some days …

There is no right or wrong way, it very much depends on who you are as to how you to choose to cope. Sometimes emotions come from nowhere and have to be released. I personally only cried the first 3mths. The loneliness has hit me more than anything but that is something we can all do something about, whether it be big or small. It’s important for all humans to be connected, again could be people, nature, animals. We naturally seek bonds. It’s all a journey none of us wanted. I personally want to move forwards with my life because I acknowledge how precious life is, here today, gone tomorrow and for whatever reason I’m still here so have to get on with it


Well, today is the date she died, 2 years ago, at 11.00am, or as close as I can remember. At that time, I’ll be singing in a choir, and strangely enough that will be in the very same building where I saw her for the very first time. It was a pub at the time
I remember my thoughts, they were along the lines of “just look at her, she’s absolutely gorgeous, I wonder if I could get a date with her?”
Now here we are, 52 years later, isn’t life strange?.
At 11.00 I’ll sing out loud and :blush::blush:
We are doing songs from the musicals, and if we do this one, I’ll probably fall apart.

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Aw … life is strange. I used to think i had it all worked out but i havent really since this happened. Enjoy your singing today xx

Go sing your heart out for both of you. I don’t believe in coincidences, it was meant to be that you are there today. Our path in life always takes us to where we are meant to be, well that’s my belief anyway
Hope the happy memories come pouring through for you today

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Hi @tykey I hope your day goes at well as it can. Enjoy your singing it’s supposed to help with wellbeing.x


Thanks @Loobyloo2 . The singing was great! But life got even stranger, when the musical director announced that next week we are doing “Some Enchanted Evening”. (See above!)


Aw thats great !! Ha ha xx

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No pressure then lol, remember Penny will be expecting your best performance :slightly_smiling_face:


@tykey well they say there is no such thing as coincidence so very interesting. May be your wife is trying to tell you something. Be nice if that was so.x

It’s nice to think that, @Loobyloo2 :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

it all very well saying we all need people etc but no one has bothered about me for 2 yrs, no one ever says how you coping, hopw you feeling etc etc, do you need anything. I have had to do it all myself, alone. some get all the help and support they want even on here, and you have to be careful what you say or it gets deleted and you get a email telling you you cant say that .

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I know its hard and i had to do a lot of it alone too but had some help from friends - my family have been pretty pathetic really and had very little sympathy from my own kids … its gruelling at times but guess we all just cope with it as best we can dont we .?.There is no wrong or right way or a magic wand to make this all go away … i wish there was x