3 funerals in 12 weeks

I cant cope my auntie passed away her funeral was end of march two weeks later her brother my stepdad passed away then my gorgeous husband aged 47 passed away on the 21st April I then had to attend his funeral on the 26th April all the while trying to process what had happened to my husband I didnt quite make it through my stepdads funeral as he was buried with my beautiful angel mum I run I run from the funeral as I couldn’t cope then my husband’s funeral was on the 20th may 2021 peopl say I’m strong but I’m not my cousin said your so strong gill I said I’m not she then said you are your still here the only reason I’m here is because of our beautiful daughters and grandchildren I cannot cope with all this grief its eating me up and I dont know what to do about it x

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Hello Gillian, so sorry that you have had such a brutal time, I cannot imagine having to go through such a horrible time and yes you must be strong. They say grief makes you a stronger person but you have had so much to deal with. I am pleased you found this site because everyone on here will be very supportive and kind. You need to look after yourself and take tiny baby steps or it will overwhelm you. Your beautiful daughters and grandchildren will help you and give you pleasure which will help. I am sending love and hugs. S xxx


I literally just joined this site and I understand every word you feel! It’s soul destroying trying to be strong and be the super glue that holds everything and everyone together. You are not alone and I hope you find some calm and peace.



Morning Justk, yes you are right and the description of superglue is idea because that’s what females tend to do. I am very pleased you found the site and welcome, everyone on here is going through similar times and it’s hard. Fortunately it does grow and we learn to live with it and our hearts milo with time, well that’s how it feels to me and I hope it becomes easier for you. Look after yourself and take care. S xxx