3 months on

Here i am 3 months on, With family and friends but standing alone. looking back does no good, looking fowrd looks all black. decisions to be made on my own. what is my future ? knowone knows.
this is how i feel, I thought i was doing ok, im not :: :cry:

Sheila, we all know waht you mean, unfortunately. I think making decisions on your own is the hardest part of where we are. All my life Ichecked with June on what to do (married at 21, 45 years together). My experience, afeter 8 weeks, if you’re here you’re starting to do ok. Everyone here is in the same place, or very similar. Like you, I don’t know my future, or even if I want one.
My experience, the people here are nice, hurting, broken, but nice. BTW - none of us want to be here

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Hi dave170520
I was married for 31 years, and yes we checked all decisions together, I was the one that would allways rush forward feet first, i feel unbalanced now checking what i do reeling myself in (LOL) I do have a good network of support and yet i do feel so alone, it is like other people are walking at a diifernt pace to me. Thank you for replying and i am sorry for your loss.