3 years on..:

3yrs ago I lost my partner to suicide.

In those 3yrs I have met somebody and have started a new life, although never forgetting my previous partner who took his own life. I find the winter/festive periods still to this day extremely hard. Emotions running high and feel guilty for my previous partner and my new partner for being low and having overwhelming thoughts and memories. The days have got easier and I’ve learnt to cope but without fail, every Christmas I go into a state of depression and loneliness.


Hi @arjie5,

Thank you so much for sharing this with the community :blue_heart: I’m sure someone will be along to offer their support, but I just wanted to let you know that you have been heard and you are not alone.

Take good care,

I lost my husband to suicide last September. I was with him 20 years since I was 17. The thought of moving on makes me feel awkward. I feel like I’d be cheating on him, however I know I can’t stay single forever: I’m 39.

I’ve agreed that if it happens it happens, but I do wonder if I meet someone new will I still miss my husband. I’ve not enjoyed Christmas at all this year. The first Christmas without him was about just getting through it, this year just felt depressing, like it’s real, he ain’t coming back. I do think if I was to meet someone will I ever enjoy Christmas again? I don’t want to be like this forever!